Forensic Services
Forensic evaluations require a high level of knowledge and expertise;
our NIIFP professionals have specialized training and extensive backgrounds in their areas of services.
NIIFP evaluations are completed individually or by a team of professionals, depending on the nature of the evaluation and the need of the parties.
Our referral sources include judges, attorneys, law enforcement agencies, human resource departments, court personnel, and school administrators.
Civil Evaluations
Our staff conduct:
Custody/visitation/removal evaluations
Pre-decree and post-decree divorce mediation
Sexual abuse assessments
Guardianship evaluations
Competency to consent to treatment evaluations
Parental fitness evaluations
Consultation Services
Consultation services are some of the most cost-effective ways to obtain assistance in legal matters without having clients endure further evaluations. We provide consultation to attorney for deposition and trial preparation, research on mental health issues, consultation to clients, and can provide educational training seminars for attorneys, judges, court personnel and law enforcement agencies.
Criminal Evaluations
Our staff can provide a range of evaluations including:
Competency to stand trial/understand Miranda Rights
Pre-sentencing evaluations
Competency to enter a plea
Juvenile disposition evaluations
Psychological evaluations for sentencing and downward departure
Domestic violence evaluations
DUI evaluations
Domestic Violence Evaluation and Treatment Program
We have been conducting Domestic Violence Evaluations for several years, whether ordered by the court, or as requested by an individual. Following the assessment, a treatment plan can be implemented. We have been serving the needs of adults with domestic violence issues for over a decade. Both individual and group therapy methods can be employed. We also specialize in providing comprehensive evaluations for juvenile court.
Pick Up/Drop-Off Center
We are a pick up/drop off location for families that need supervised transfers of children. That is, when the court requires the pick-up and/or drop-off of children to be in a public setting under supervision, we are able to provide this service at a reasonable cost. We are available on weekdays, evenings, and weekends.
Reunification Therapy
In some families, children are estranged from one parent or have significant difficulty reestablishing a relationship with that parent. From a physical safety standpoint, these parents do not pose a risk to their children. However, for many reasons there are emotional risks of having the parents involved with the child/children without reunification therapy. The purpose of reunification therapy is to assist a child/children and a parent to establish or reestablish a positive and emotionally healthy relationship. Our licensed professional staff work with these families to help them move towards a more comfortable and healthy relationship. Our staff also work with the attorneys and courts in developing a plan to move the family towards more independence and reduced need of outside intervention services.
Supervised Visitation
Supervised visitation is provided when the court requires a parent to be supervised during parenting time with their child/children. Our agency is able to provide this service in our Libertyville office and in public locations, such as restaurants, parks, and recreational facilities after school and weekend hours. When providing this service at our office, we can offer a broad spectrum of family activities. We have a gym/recreation room available so that families are not confined to an office. We have sports and other equipment available to use for these visits.
Therapeutic Supervision
Therapeutic supervision is often ordered by the court to provide families not only with a safe and secure place for visitation, but also to help parents and children develop or reestablish healthy and positive relationships. Our staff is able to work with families to meet both of these goals. Furthermore, we can provide a combination of both services for those families that need supervised visits for several hours followed by a therapy session to process the visit and help families build stronger and healthier relationships.
Workplace Services
Our staff conduct:
Fitness for Duty evaluations
Pre-employment Screening for Public Safety Officers
Violence/Risk/Threat Assessment evaluations in the workplace and school
Psychological/Neuropsychological testing for case study evaluations
Meet Our Forensic Specialists
Child Custody Evaluations
215(a) Evaluations
Child Custody Evaluations
215(a) Evaluations
Work Product Review
Litigation Support
Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations
Mental State at Time of Offense Evaluations
Downward Departure Evaluations
Reunification Therapy
Supervised Visitation Program Director
Reunification Therapy